Friday, May 09, 2008

This Sunday is Mother’s Day. Many of us are at the age where our Mothers have already “changed address” as the Hawaiians say. Some of you, like me, might have an uneasy feeling as the day approaches. I didn’t have that wonderful mother/daughter experience that according to the media, we’re supposed to have had. I have absolutely no idea what that would feel like. I have no memories of mother/daughter intimacy, only memories of living in fear that I would do something wrong and be brutally punished.

I have done my forgiveness work, over and over, and yet every so often there is a “why” that comes up while everyone else is celebrating their Mothers. I know I am responsible for every part of my life, yet why did I contract my childhood out to abandonment, pain, and rejection?

Sometimes “why” is a futile question. Rainer Maria Rilke wrote:

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart…Try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books written in a very foreign tongue. Do not seek the answers which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.

In other words, accept what was. Knowing why will not change the experience. I can be grateful for being born, and for the will to survive regardless of what was happening. None of my past matters today, in this moment. So in this moment, I move beyond why and honour the Mother/daughter experience I had, knowing it made me who I am today. I honour all the women whom I chose to play that role in my life and still do. Most of all I honour the Divine Feminine in all women including myself.

Blessings, Rev. A


I recognize the One Life that lives Itself through me. I honour It today as the Goddess and as I do, I honour The Divine Mother.

I know this Presence is within me. I let myself rest in the compassionate heart of the Divine Feminine. I am where I am, and who I am, because of those who have mothered me. Everything I have experienced has only been for my highest good. I now look at and feel only the good and let it resonate through out my field of consciousness.

I am where I am and who I am because of those I have mothered. The Divine Mother and I are one. This too I let resonate through out my field of consciousness.

Gratefully I celebrate Life expressing as Mother, and all that it contains. I am happy to be alive. And so it is.

Monday, May 05, 2008

What are you feeling right now? What ever it is, in this moment you are creating a resonance that is permeating your world, bringing back to you things, people and experiences that are like what you are feeling.

In 365 Science of Mind, Dr. Holmes establishes Joy as a focus for May. A poem by Victor Hugo is on the preface page to this month:

Be like the bird

That, pausing in her flight awhile on boughs too slight,

Feels them give way beneath her and yet sings

Knowing that she hath wings.

Perhaps something in our life feels like it is giving way. Or we look at the general state of the world and feel afraid. How can we come into Joy? Our "wings" are the knowledge that, whatever the circumstances or appearances, whatever we are feeling is caused by our thoughts, and our thoughts can be changed.

Even greater than that, our "wings" are our awareness that behind and through everything is a Presence that is infinitely intelligent and unconditionally loving.

"Joy is the realization of the truth of oneness, the oneness of our soul with the supreme love." Rabindranath Tagore


I celebrate the feeling of joy I have as I recognize the Presence of God in everything. This Presence is within me, filling my heart and mind.

Knowing I am free to choose what I want - I choose Joy. I release all old feels that dragged me down. I declare everything in my life is made new by the joy I now feel. My health, my wealth, my relationships and my creativity are expanded in joy. There is nothing too hard for Divine Law. My life is filled with love and laughter and many good things. I celebrate Joy!

With a heart filled with gratitude, I let go and let God life Its fullest through me. And so It is.

The Eckhart Tolle/Oprah experience on the web has been wonderful! It's almost unfathomable to imagine the 11 million people tuned in! Wayne Dyer has a new book, Deepak Chopra has a new book, every day I receive at least two e-mails about new books explaining how to have more, and be more. Spiritual cinema is becoming in vogue with a new film seeming to come out every week. Just Awesome!!!

We live in such exciting times! So many tools to awaken to the Truth of our Being, so much help along our chosen Path.

And with all these wonders, have you thought at all about your part in it? Dr. Holmes writes in the Science of Mind "One of the most important things for us to remember is that we are always causing something to be created for us."

A few years ago, Religious Science International developed a Vision Statement: Awakening humanity to it's Spiritual Magnificence!

We can see the evidence of this coming into manifestation everywhere! And WE are doing it!! I congratulate each of you for doing your part. I know sometimes it seems like a lot of work – however, keep it up - it is worth it!!

I stand and applaud us all as we walk this Path together.


I recognize the Universe as an intelligent ever-flowing frequency filled with Love and Light. It creates out of Itself through me in perfect balance.

My world is in Divine Right Order. Every area of my life has a balance of play and work and both are fulfilling. My thinking and emotional bodies are in harmony. Life becomes richer and fuller every moment. I serve humanity with the greater livingness I am experiencing, and this is brings me joy.

I am a Divine Being, living in Divine conditions, knowing Truth alone is real. I also know Divine Law is the only power in my life. Everything I think, say, or do is from the spiritual viewpoint of God and I stand on Higher Ground.

How grateful I am to be alive, awake and aware in this moment. I release these words into the Law of Mind knowing they are my Truth. And so it is.