Monday, May 05, 2008

The Eckhart Tolle/Oprah experience on the web has been wonderful! It's almost unfathomable to imagine the 11 million people tuned in! Wayne Dyer has a new book, Deepak Chopra has a new book, every day I receive at least two e-mails about new books explaining how to have more, and be more. Spiritual cinema is becoming in vogue with a new film seeming to come out every week. Just Awesome!!!

We live in such exciting times! So many tools to awaken to the Truth of our Being, so much help along our chosen Path.

And with all these wonders, have you thought at all about your part in it? Dr. Holmes writes in the Science of Mind "One of the most important things for us to remember is that we are always causing something to be created for us."

A few years ago, Religious Science International developed a Vision Statement: Awakening humanity to it's Spiritual Magnificence!

We can see the evidence of this coming into manifestation everywhere! And WE are doing it!! I congratulate each of you for doing your part. I know sometimes it seems like a lot of work – however, keep it up - it is worth it!!

I stand and applaud us all as we walk this Path together.


I recognize the Universe as an intelligent ever-flowing frequency filled with Love and Light. It creates out of Itself through me in perfect balance.

My world is in Divine Right Order. Every area of my life has a balance of play and work and both are fulfilling. My thinking and emotional bodies are in harmony. Life becomes richer and fuller every moment. I serve humanity with the greater livingness I am experiencing, and this is brings me joy.

I am a Divine Being, living in Divine conditions, knowing Truth alone is real. I also know Divine Law is the only power in my life. Everything I think, say, or do is from the spiritual viewpoint of God and I stand on Higher Ground.

How grateful I am to be alive, awake and aware in this moment. I release these words into the Law of Mind knowing they are my Truth. And so it is.

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