What are you feeling right now? What ever it is, in this moment you are creating a resonance that is permeating your world, bringing back to you things, people and experiences that are like what you are feeling.
In 365 Science of Mind, Dr. Holmes establishes Joy as a focus for May. A poem by Victor Hugo is on the preface page to this month:
Be like the bird
That, pausing in her flight awhile on boughs too slight,
Feels them give way beneath her and yet sings
Knowing that she hath wings.
Perhaps something in our life feels like it is giving way. Or we look at the general state of the world and feel afraid. How can we come into Joy? Our "wings" are the knowledge that, whatever the circumstances or appearances, whatever we are feeling is caused by our thoughts, and our thoughts can be changed.
Even greater than that, our "wings" are our awareness that behind and through everything is a Presence that is infinitely intelligent and unconditionally loving.
"Joy is the realization of the truth of oneness, the oneness of our soul with the supreme love." Rabindranath Tagore
I celebrate the feeling of joy I have as I recognize the Presence of God in everything. This Presence is within me, filling my heart and mind.
Knowing I am free to choose what I want - I choose Joy. I release all old feels that dragged me down. I declare everything in my life is made new by the joy I now feel. My health, my wealth, my relationships and my creativity are expanded in joy. There is nothing too hard for Divine Law. My life is filled with love and laughter and many good things. I celebrate Joy!
With a heart filled with gratitude, I let go and let God life Its fullest through me. And so It is.
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