Friday, July 27, 2007

Note: new online course starting in August – see announcements below.

Tonight I’m having a Gratitude Dinner at my home as part of our Divine Dining. I love having parties, and along with the planning, the cleaning, the wondering if I’m going to have enough chairs, etc., I’ve really been focused on all I have to be thankful for. There is so much!

Albert Schweitzer said

“To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kind that will stand behind the action. Nothing that is done for you is a matter of course. Everything originates in a will for the good, which is directed at you. Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude.”

I had never thought about “training” myself for an attitude of gratitude. Yet with the Complaint Free World Campaign we’re participating in, I see it is a necessary training. It reminds me of the story of Pollyanna, (who’s name many take in vain as they tell me “Don’t have such a Pollyanna attitude” -- like it’s a bad thing.) Pollyanna was taught to look for the good in all circumstances, and turned a town full of complaining people into one of joy and love.

The Catholic mystic Meister Eckhart wrote:

“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice.”

Thank you for being my readers, being the vehicles though which I express my passion for spirituality!!

Blessings, Rev. Angelica


Today I celebrate thanks giving. I am grateful to be more and more aware of the powerful Presence of the Divine in my life and all around me. I am grateful to know I am on a Path that will nurture and empower my soul as I honour the principles of Science of Mind and Nature and Life.

I am grateful we are all on a magnificent journey. As we open our hearts and minds, being grateful for all that is, and all we have attracted to us, we see we truly are living in the Kingdom of God. All around us is tailor-made for just for us by right of our consciousness.

If there is any place I am not satisfied, I am so grateful I can change my mind, and thereby change my life. I am grateful for the challenges I have attracted, knowing they have led me to a deeper understanding of my Self. I am grateful for the joys of my life, knowing they too, have led me to a greater awareness of Truth. I step out fully taking my authority as a Divine Being, because I am so grateful to know there is only One Life, that Life is God’s and that Life is my life.

And so It is.


SPIRITUAL SUMMER SCHOOL ONLINE! Do class in your pj’s !!

THE FOUR AGREEMENTS – based on the book by don Miguel Ruiz ..

4 principles for everyone!! 4 Tuesdays beginning August 7th held in Rev. Angelica’s chatroom. 6:30 to 8:00 PM $50.00 Contact me for more information.

Note: I am always available for listening, counseling and Spiritual Mind Treatment.

Have you seen the world map at the bottom of the site? My intention is to see red dots all across our planet and it’s happening!! Thank you!

Want to read some prosperity messages?