21 years ago yesterday, I was standing in the Prince Kuhio Mall, on the Big Island of Hawai'i, with the Friends of the Paneawa Zoo. I had charge of an I'o, an Hawaiian hawk, was sharing stories with the shoppers about raptor birds.
In the middle of my spiel, I saw my best friend and her husband walking towards us. Kalyan was pregnant - very pregnant. I asked her how she was feeling and she said she was in labor! They were heading home. I promised to get there as quickly as I could, and I did. I got there in time to see my goddaughter born.
Not having any children of my own, this was an amazing experience. I was in awe of the female human body and the things it is created to do. The knowledge and nurturing of the midwives was incredible. I felt such as rush of joy as I looked at the tiny little being that was born.
I remembered thinking that here was a new soul coming into our world, and into our lives. And that we were so blessed to be able to take care of this new soul.
Now Esther is officially an adult. I am still in awe of this young woman, and her Mother, who's done a great job.
Though I haven't birthed babies, I've birthed lots of ideas - and so have you. Have we looked at those ideas and their manifestation with awe? Have we been amazed at the wonder working power of Divine Law? Have we felt grateful for the blessings we've brought into our lives?
I hope your answer from now on is YES! Mine is.
Divine Life - that perfection of Love and Law - is moving through us, as us, at all times. It is the Source of all that is and is eternally creating.
How grateful I am to be consciously aware of my part in the process. How grateful I am to know the process is continually going on.
I choose to make good choices, tapping into Divine Wisdom with my meditation and prayers. I choose to be a good caretaker of all I have brought forth, even if that means letting go. I choose to acknowledge myself and all the work I have done. I remember there is only one Life, that Life is God's, and that Life is the Life we are living now.
Each person, including myself, is God in form, a blessing to the world. This is good, very good. I release these words into the Law of Mind, knowing they are the Truth. And so it is.