Friday, October 24, 2008

A Privilege

Paul Newman, one of the icons of Hollywood, died not long ago. On a CNN report online, I read this statement by his daughter:

"Always and to the end, Dad was incredibly grateful for his good fortune. In his own words: 'It's been a privilege to be here.'"

“It’s a privilege to be here.” Wow! What a powerful affirmation! What if we approached each day with this consciousness?

Too often we start our day thinking about “The List” and how we’re going to get everything accomplished … or by replaying an argument had with a friend (even if that argument was one we made up in our heads) … or by bemoaning our fate – physically, emotionally and mentally.

Think of the energy we are emanating with these thoughts – no wonder so many people are tired all the time!

What if tomorrow we woke up, took a deep breath, and said “It’s a privilege to be here.”?

That would start me on a different sort of list – a list of what I am grateful for. The energy I would be emanating would be lighter and brighter, and my day would follow suit!

It’s a privilege to be here. Thank You Spirit, living Life, in me, through me and as me.


I celebrate the Powerful Presence within me. It is Life Itself. It is within me and around me, indeed It is everywhere.

I am so grateful I have chosen to be here, in this time, to express Divine Life. I open my heart, my mind and my whole being to the honouring of this Life. I am open to experience more of my own divinity, and the divinity of others. This is our Truth.

I am grateful for everything I have experienced up until this moment, whether I named it as “positive” or “negative.” I am grateful for all I am experiencing now, and all I will experience as time goes by.

It is a privilege to be here, and to be actively conscious of being here.

There is only One Life – that Life is God’s and that Life is the Life I am living now. This is a very good thing.

I release these words of celebration, knowing they are my Truth, and so it is.


Dee and his grandson, Jayden, decided to carve a pumpkin today. I had read an article about the benefits of pumpkin seeds and decided to clean and roast them. Just for fun I counted them. There were 434 seeds.

How awesome Nature is!! To perpetuate the species, there is an abundance of seeds inside each plant and animal (including us). It really only takes one – or maybe two if one doesn't germinate, but the Universe is lavish in its generosity!

Each of those flat pumpkin seeds has everything within it to become a large plant with many flowers, which in turn can become a pumpkin filled with another 400 or so seeds. And the circle of life continues.

This made me start thinking about those seed thoughts we plant. Within them is everything necessary for their fulfillment… as well as the potential for hundreds of new seed thoughts. And new seed thought propagates even more seed thoughts. And the circle of Life continues.

I think the Universe enjoys and abundant harvest. Makes me really want to be responsible for the type of seeds I am planting!! How about you?


There is That Within Me that is the Source and substance of all that manifests in, through and around me. I am the director of this Energy. I plant the seeds into an Infinite Field of Creative Potentiality, and in this Field is everything necessary for the seeds manifestation.

As I plant my mental seeds, I am setting in motion the Law of Attraction and the Law of Growth. Therefore I celebrate the Wisdom within me to plant good seeds, and know as I plant seeds of love, of peace, of prosperity, of well-being, they immediately began to grow and show up delightfully in my life.

I celebrate an abundant harvest, rejoicing in the way the Law works I speak in Love, and Love points the way, and Law makes the way possible.

I release these words of Truth, grateful I can consciously do so, and so it is.