Wednesday, August 02, 2006

In line with my summer theme of play, a friend invited me for a sleep-over. We ate popcorn and drank pop and watched The Secret. WOW! This film is so clearly the message given in New Thought churches around the world every Sunday!! I absolutely love it!! I want to share this film with everyone !

As I watched the film, it reminded me once again how simple our teaching is … yet even with this simplicity we all allow ourselves at one time or another to become mesmerized in the ways of the world. Knowing what we know, why do we do this? The Master Teacher Jesus told us to live in the world but be not of it. To me this means to live one day at a time, each moment at a time, fully and authentically, yet don’t get attached to it.

We are being bombarded with information telling us about the horrors of life. There is war, poverty, illness, etc., etc.. I once walked into a T-shirt shop and laughed at one that read “Starring in my Own Soap Opera.” That’s what we’re collectively creating here – the human story – a first class melodramatic soap opera, and we are allowing ourselves to become attached to the details.

In our attachments we spend most of our energy resisting that which we consider negative. Think about diets - we know what we want - to have a healthy body - and all our energy is spent resisting the things we think would be bad for us. The energy we spend in resistance gives the Universe a message that we want more to resist ... and our diet doesn’t work.

Dr. Holmes said in his last Sermon by the Sea: Find me one person who is for something and against nothing ….”

Our purpose here is not to be against anything, or to fight the negativities of the story, but to be FOR something. We have the privilege to become clear as to what we want in our world (personally and globally). We get to choose what we want, share it with joy, and be grateful that we can so do. We can change this soap opera into an inspirational story.

So - What are you standing for?


There is That Within Me that serves me well. It is the Source and substance of all that is. It works through my thoughts and feelings creating that which I am focusing on.

Today I choose to focus on the good, the beautiful and the true. In other words, I focus on The Divine. I let It move through me unblocked by any resistance to my greater good.

I declare I am a powerful person, filled with the divine radiance. I have everything I need for the fulfillment of my hearts desires. I am healthy, wealthy, wise and loved. I love with an open heart. I share my good with joy.

Spirit within me, as me, is living a wonderful life!

I am so grateful I can re-write my script and attract the perfect inspirational story that suits me perfectly! I am so blessed. And so it is.

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