Friday, August 04, 2006

The other night I was half listening to an interview on television with an extreme mountain biker. When I looked up and watched the pictures of the man participating in his sport, I could see the joy on his face and knew he was having a great time. He had made a life for himself where he gets to travel all over the world and PLAY!

I personally couldn’t imagine how anyone would want to speed down mountainsides, over rocks and roots, around curves at the tops of cliffs, etc. -- this isn’t my idea of play! I could tell the interviewer was thinking about the dangers, just as I was. She asked him how he avoided them, and he said “You tend to go where you look.”

My ears perked up as that sentence vibrated through my body as a spiritual Truth. He told the interviewer he didn’t look at the ground right in front of his bike as he rode, instead he looked about 40 feet ahead. He went on to tell her that as he focused on the point ahead his mind automatically picked up all the dangers on the route, and adjusted his actions accordingly, so he didn’t have to pay any attention to them.

WOW! What a great example for us in Religious Science! We are taught to keep our eye on the finished goal. To see ourselves as already having the consciousness of the thing we desire. As I thought about this, I realized that Infinite Intelligence within us automatically adjusts everything in our life so that we don’t have to get caught up in the fear of the possibility of bumps and rocks! All we have to do is stay focused on the goal!

“You tend to go where you look.” What are you looking at today?

Blessings, Rev. Angelica


We live, move and have our being in a Great Field of Creative Potentiality. This Field has everything within It we could possibly imagine and more. This Field is waiting for us to set an intention, a goal, and then begins to move on our behalf.

I choose now to be clear in my intentions. I choose to see myself as already having that which I desire. I choose to trust Infinite Intelligence to do Its perfect work, in me, as me. I no longer rest my eyes or my mind on the details or the process. I have nothing to fear. I know that as I speak my word for myself and my world today, my word is backed by the Power of Universal Mind. It moves through me with ease, clearing my Path, attracting to me all that I need to fulfill my intentions. I rely on this Power for my life, because It is my Life and know It serves me well.

Gratefully I accept my good, knowing It is here now. And so it is.

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