Friday, August 15, 2008


Lynne McTaggart writes in Living the Field:

"Healing is the most natural practice in the world - we can all do it and, consciously or unconsciously, many of us do. It is simply the transmission of energy through the healer into the patient. There is only one essential qualification: love."

This reminded me of a story told by the minister from New Hope Fellowship in Hilo, Hawai'i. A young mother in his congregation had been taking her daughter back and forth to the hospital for months. No one could figure out what was wrong with the child, and she was getting weaker and weaker. One day the young mother stopped by Pastor Wayne Cadero's office and told him, in tears, that she was taking her daughter again to the hospital and was afraid it would be for the last time. She asked Pastor Wayne to come to the car, give her child a blessing and say goodbye. Wayne got in the back seat and took the child in his arms. He saw how her lifeforce seemed to have drained away, and he tried to pray but no words would come, all he could do was hold her and love her. After a while, words came, and he prayed for her, then got out of the car and watched them drive away, sure that it was the last time he would see the child. A few days later, he received a call from the Mother, who was overjoyed. Her daughter had started to revive the moment she got to the hospital!

When I heard him tell this story – I knew a deeper meaning of the phrase "God is Love." I often tell people "Love is the greatest healing agent in the universe."

Yesterday in Raywyn Erickson's class, she said that if we are experiencing dis-ease in any way, we are withholding love. In my mind I capitalized the word Love, and thought of it as "withholding Love" -- refusing to acknowledge and experience That Which We Are.

If you are working on a healing project in any area of your life – perhaps you could try this:

Sit quietly, breathe deeply, and declare your intention for healing. Now open yourself to FEELING loved. Let Love flood every cell of your body, every thought in your mind, and every feeling in your heart. Bathe in that Love for awhile, and when you feel the time is right, allow yourself to focus that Love like a laser on your project, remembering your intention for healing. Breathe deeply again, and feel grateful. Feel gratitude flood your body, mind and heart. Know that the work is done.

If you choose, you could follow this exercise with the Spiritual Mind Treatment below.

Dr. Holmes wrote "Love is a cosmic force whose sweep is irristible!"

You are the Beloved.

Blessings, Rev. Angelica


God is Love. Love points the way, and the Law makes the way possible. This is my Truth! Love is the greatest healing energy in the universe. It is greater than any illness – of mind, body or emotions. It is greater than any financial or relationship challenges I might be experiencing. God is Love, therefore Love is all powerful, all-knowing, and everywhere present.

Remembering this I now declare everything in my life that I think needs to be healed – is healed.

I let go of all my old stories that kept me separate, and accept wholeheartedly that Divine Love is within me and every atom of the universe, doing Its perfect work. I am whole, healthy and complete.

God is Love and therefore so am I. God is the Lover and I am the Beloved. As the Beloved I am so grateful for all that I have experienced. I know my life's Path has brought me to this now moment, where I have let it all go, and stepped out into the world as the Truth of my being. This is good – this is God!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you, Angelica, for your words on healing myself. I was recently injured in a motorvehicle accident and was feeling frustrated on the slowness of recovery. I have now refocused on the out pouring of love that came to me when it happened 4 wks ago and have redirected it to the areas of my body that require attention. thank You. thank My Self. thank God. Love Denny McArthur