The other day on the freeway as I passed a truck, I read
"Power Generation Specialist"
written on the side. I was so taken by the phrase I can't remember what company was being advertised.
Ernest Holmes defines "Power" in the Science of Mind glossary as:
"The energy by which everything lives. The Creative Medium of Spirit is the great Mental Law of the Universe. It is the one Medium through which all Law and all Power operate. And our creative power is marvelous; for every time we think, we set the Law in motion. As our thought sets the Law in motion, we are specializing It for some definite purpose. This should give to all a sense of freedom and a realization that there is neither competition nor monopoly. It leaves each to work out their own salvation, not with fear and trembling, but with a calm sense of peace and assurance. We may transmute as much of the Infinite Energy into degrees of power as we choose to use."
The Power we're generating is within us … as we study It, recognize It and claim It, we specialize It's use.
This is your title -- Power Generation Specialist!!
I recognize an awesome Power that is the Source and substance of all things. It flows through me with ease, directed by my thoughts and feelings.
I choose today to be the day I claim my abilities with this Power. I allow It to move through me with my consciousness awareness that I am directing It for love, health, wealth and creativity. I am focusing It for deep inner peace and a joyous experience of Life.
The Power Within is my Life. With a grateful heart, I celebrate this Truth.
And So It Is.
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