Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11, 2001 is one of those days forever etched in our memories. We all remember what we were doing and how we felt when we heard the news.

It was a Tuesday morning, just like today … a morning we got up and went about our daily morning routines, not knowing something momentous was about to happen.

That day for me, as an American, was agonizing. I couldn’t do anything for anyone – all I could do was watch and pray. During a meditation that afternoon, I saw the twin towers as a gateway that had been blown open in our collective consciousness. It was a gateway of our choosing. We could choose to see the ‘axis of evil” flooding in, or we could see a wave of compassion flowing out. I chose compassion as did millions of people around the world. We began to move from feeling separate to a new idea of global oneness.

Other disasters have happened since that fateful day and others happened before it. Each one of them giving us an opportunity to choose how we want to react. Today is a good day for the collective consciousness of humanity to look at where it is still holding on and let go. We can help by looking at our personal disasters, doing our forgiveness work if needed, and letting those people (including ourselves) have safe passage through our minds and hearts.

Yes, the Global Heart is expressing more compassion, and that compassion comes from unconditional love. God is Love and Love heals.

Blessings of Love, Rev. Angelica


Today I choose to reinforce the Divine Pattern of Peace in my heart. I do this by first acknowledging that no matter what any event looks like, it too is good. It cannot be anything else as all is God.

I declare on an individual and global level we are able to see the blessings in all events. If we can’t see them immediately, we call them forth anyway, knowing the highest good for all concerned.

The Law takes our declarations and makes them manifest, and Love heals and points the way.

With a grateful heart I celebrate being a part of the Compassionate Heart. And so it is.

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