Friday, January 06, 2012

Creating Our Year

The other day my long time prayer partner and I were talking about the feelings we share during the holiday season. Compassion, love and a desire to feel great joy are so prevalent in the collective consciousness that we've named them "Christmas Spirit." We've all heard people say "I wish these feelings would last all year long."

Knowing everything is choice, we decided it can, and we're choosing to experience it all during the year. To do so, we have given each month a quality to focus on.

Want to join us? Here are the qualities, along with an activity to be done daily, and some ideas I've come up with to experience the qualities. I'm going to get a journal, title it "My Year of Christmas Spirit" and write down how I experienced each day. ( and post it on FaceBook too)

Joyous January - consciously look for one thing that brings you joy. (A blank calendar to fill in the way I want. A cats purr. My TV shows coming back on.)

Fabulous February - pay attention to your physical being -- do one thing to feel fabulous & look fabulous & have fun doing it! (Wearing purple - definitely my color! A long soak in bubbles.)

Marvelous March - allow yourself to marvel at at least one thing. (a starry sky - how do they stay up there? Fleece is so warm - and this from pop bottles?)

Amazing April - let Nature astonish you every day (WOW - those tulips! Look at the birds!)

Merry May - allow yourself to laugh like a child. (ever try laughter yoga?)

Jubilant June - let your heart be filled with joy. (Look at a new baby, kitten, puppy)

Jolly July - do something silly and fun every day (blow bubbles, swing on the swings)

Awesome August - think about someone or something that's inspired you. (My teacher Rev. Helen Street, single mothers who work & raise their families)

Super September - let yourself think supersized dreams. (I see myself on a Nile cruise with a Beloved)

Opulent October - do something that makes you feel rich. (Acknowledging the beautiful things that surround me - and the people who gave them to me)

Nourishing November - eat gratefully every day (I am so grateful for homemade soup, stews, salads)

Delightful December - be like a child for the holidays (whoo hoo - I'm playing secret Santa!!)

There's an adage that says "The energy flows where the attention goes." It's up to us to create our year the way we want it - so let's have fun with it!!

"....And lovingly this Wisdom shall  respond to me, lawfully taking the content of my consciousness and making it into my reality." ~Ernest Holmes


All there is is God — in the multiplicity of form and experience, in the richness of Life, in the many expressions of nature — and me. I am Spirit in form.

I am ready and willing to consciously experience my life as God's Life. God is Love, and Love is the Power of Creation. I joyfully choose to create the 'Spirit of Christmas' all year long. I do it for myself, and as I do it for myself, I do it for others.

I allow myself to really feel my feelings, and as I do, I realize Joy is my true nature. I choose to have a good experience, and Life manifests through me delightfully. Life is fun, filled with love, compassion and kindness, and it is good.

Gratefully I release these words into the Law of Mind rejoicing in their Truth. And so it is.

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