Friday, July 22, 2011

You Are Creating NOW!

Earlier this week I celebrated my 63rd birthday. I'm so grateful for all the acknowledgment I received. Someone much younger said "WOW, you have less years left than you've already lived" and that sent me into reflection.

I remembered being in a class Anne Wheeler and Joy Tuttle in my beginning years in the Glendale California Church of Religious Science. I think it was called Living from Inside Out. In the first class, we were given a folder, and and told to decorate it the way we wanted. It ended up being my first treasure map. I had a picture of a man and woman walking the beach in some place tropical -- I liked it because it said something about husband & wife team ministry. (yes, I knew immediately I was going to be a minister. I had pictures of jewels, and tigers, and a fantastic car and images of travel.

I also found a piece in a magazine that I thought should be my epitaph:
"She lived her life better than most people's fantasies." As I glued that on my folder, I had no idea how true it was going to become! I manifested that husband and wife ministry - in Hawai'i. I've had wonderful jewels, petted live tigers, had a couple of fantastic cars, traveled the world and met many amazing people.

These reflections brought me back to the present with something I've been thinking for awhile - I LOVE MY LIFE!! Do I have regrets - a few - don't we all? I've had my sorrows too. Yet, I have so much more to be grateful for. And it's not over yet!

I love our teaching. It works whether we're consciously activating the Law or not. I didn't know anything back in that class in Glendale, yet I set something in motion that has been awesome.

I've also been working on a couple of new Visions. One with physical things I want to do and have, and another with qualities I want to continue to experience - JOY being the major one!

Yes, I love the way Spirit works!! I had gone away from this writing for a few moments, and when I came back, I checked my e-mail. Rev. Janet Kingsley of the Center for Positive Living in Sedona, AZ has been using some of the Spiritual Mind Treatments from my blog as "Spiritual Vitamins" in her weekly newsletter -- and this one is perfect!! (Those who were at our Center last Sunday will know why I'm giggling!!) I share it with you here -- and remember you are creating your life right now -- make it a magnificent one!!


Oh Great Spirit of Joy, fill my heart with laughter!!
I celebrate the Joy of The Divine today, and allow myself to recognize this aspect of my own Being.
Regardless of what is happening around me, I smile and I declare "I am a gift of Joy that God gives to a wonderful world." I let go of the need to be serious about my spirituality. I let go of the need to be serious about my life and the world. I know I am co-creating everything I am experiencing, so I choose to create more Joy.

As I experience more joy in my life, it clears the undercurrents and ripples out to do its cleansing, healing work in places I am not even aware of. The silent peace within me is revealed, and that too is revealed in our world.
How I adore the Spirit of Joy in me!I am so grateful to experience and spread joy and laughter.  And So It Is!

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