When I was a child I read a legend that said if you stay up until midnight on Christmas Eve, you'd hear the animals talk. I don't know how many years I did this, but they never did talk.
As I got older, I realized they talked to me all the time, and I to them. It just doesn't sound like what I thought it would when I was a child. My cats have body postures and sounds that tell me what they want and sometimes I get things telepathically. I've learned over the years to communicate in their language by listening and watching and so have they. They speak in the language of Love.
This is a good lesson for us as we join family members and friends for the holidays. Not everyone speaks our 'language.' Instead of getting frustrated, we can take a deep breath and just listen. It doesn't matter if their beliefs or politics are different from ours. We don't have to agree or disagree. We can just listen - and love.
Gurudas Sunyatananda wrote on his blog Living Dharma today: "It would serve us well to remember that the true objective of Christ’s teaching is not for us to become Christians, but to become Christ’s."
Christ is Love. Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of Love!
Happy Holy Days,
Rev. Angelica
God is Love, and all there is is God - so Love is everywhere. Love is what I came here for. Love is what I am.
As I realize this, I open my heart and let Love in. I become so full that it spills out everywhere I go and radiates from everywhere I am. Love blesses all.
How grateful I am to know this Truth. Love is now my guide in all my actions and activities. Love clears my mind and soothes my heart. It is as easy to love those that don't speak my language as it is those that do.
I now release these words to the Law of Mind, knowing they are deeply embodied. And so it is.
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