Friday, December 29, 2006

Last January we set our theme as “The Year of Gratitude.” As I look back, I see I manifested so much to be grateful for. How about you? This year I will continue the practice of consciously being grateful as we set our theme of

“Experiencing Heaven in 2007”

The first step is to define what “heaven” means to us. In the dictionary, Heaven is 1) a place or condition of supreme happiness and peace where good people are believed to go after death, 2) a blissful experience, 3) where God lives.

Since we believe absolutely everything is God, we’re in heaven already – we don’t have to wait until we die a physical death – however, we can die to what no longer serves us and start acting like we really are living in heaven now!! Imagine what it would feel like to experience supreme happiness. We won’t be able to if we’re hanging on to anything that is unlike that. This is the year to take classes, read, be in spiritual community, pray, meditate and commune with nature. This is the year to truly do our spiritual work and reveal our authentic Selves!

I look forward to experiencing heaven with you,

Gratefully, Rev. Angelica


Love points the way and Law makes the way possible. Love and Law are two aspects of The Divine – that unconditionally loving, infinitely intelligent Presence that is the Source of all things – that permeates all things.

Love and Law are at work in me now as I speak this word:

I declare I am ready and willing to experience heaven right now. I am ready and willing to KNOW my True Self – God in form. I am ready to use this awareness to serve my world with love and gratitude.

As I declare these things, Infinite Intelligence goes before me preparing the way that Love has pointed out through me. I look forward with eager expectancy to all I manifest this year. I KNOW this year will be the best year ever!

With a grateful heart, I release these words, knowing they are already done. And so it is.

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