Friday, August 11, 2006

Well, I was all ready to tell you a delightful story about hummingbirds showing up in my life lately … but that will have to wait until next week. This morning I received Rev. Carol Carnes daily e-mail and feel it has to be shared:

Living Consciously August 11, 2006

Dear friends,

In times like these it helps to go back to the very basics of spiritual wisdom. I especially like to read Emma Curtis Hopkins who was the clearest of the clear and who effected many a healing through the power of awareness. She used strong denials, that is, she denied that the appearance of a negative proved the absence of Good. She said “When the right denials are made, the affirmations will be exceedingly hot and effective.”

It may seem foolish to deny that there is hatred and violence in our world. But it is a spiritual necessity if we are to create peace. We deny that the appearance of evil has any power to perpetuate itself without agreement and conviction. Nothing does.

Ms. Hopkins would have us boldly denounce the current world situation as being the only reality possible. She would tell us to shout “There is no unrest in Spirit! There is only Peace at the core of all existence. There is One Perfect relationship of Spirit to matter; One activity; It is the activity of harmony and love revealing itself through that which claims it as so. Today I stake my claim in the Good. I expect an end to the appearance of hatred and violence. I expect peace and cooperation to spread around the world as effortlessly as sound waves. I call out my deepest love for all humanity, erasing any patterns of resistance. I take my place in the co creation of a world that is in love with all its people. I refuse to accept the temporary manifestations of fear to be the last word of creation. I stand in line with the great Ones of all the ages. There is Good for us and we are meant to share it. In trust and cheerful expectation I affirm the end to war in myself and in the world. And so it is.

Peace and blessings,
Rev Carol Carnes

Let’s join Rev. Carol in declaring this Truth daily!!

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